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Ms Debra's Class - Toddler 2

Happy New Year!

May our new year bring some of the old normal back as we make it through the pandemic with new solutions that are on the way. Despite all the changes around us, we had an eventful December. The kids enjoyed making decorations for the room for the holidays and interacting with each other and teachers during dramatic play activities.

In January we will be talking about opposites and emotions. We will ask the kids to move in opposite ways such as raising hands up then down, moving fast/slow, and touch tummy/ back. We will read books, including The Foot Book, My Friend is Sad, and Happy Hippo Angry Duck. We will do some group art activities such as rolling a paint covered ball on paper to a friend, and we will make art connected to emotions such as painting to exciting or calming music. Learning about emotions and naming them helps the kids to understand what they are feeling and begin to learn that other people have feelings, too, which helps them to develop social skills.

There are many articles on the Zero to Three website as well as on that can help you understand what it is we use and how you can create a space for your child to use at home which helps create a continuity between school and home for your child.

Ms. Debra


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