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Ms Josy's Class - Infants

Hello, Infant Class Families!

Last month we focused on practicing self-regulation for ourselves and worked on co-regulating with calm, soft voices.

For the month of November, we will be working on strengthening our physical development for our large muscles. I have planned activities for the babies to explore in their space by rolling, reaching, sitting-up, and pulling up.

To continue the practice of belly breathing in support of brain development, we will explore the activity with bubbles. Blowing bubbles and watching the bubbles fall is fun and naturally relaxing to our body.

1. Invite the babies to the floor with yourself and have bubbles in hand.

2. As you dip the bubble wand, take a deep breath in.

3. As you blow the bubbles, invite each child for a turn by looking in their direction as you blow out the bubbles.

4. Invite the children to touch the bubbles with you.

5. Repeat this activity for as long as the children are engaged or during a group time activity.

A fun at-home activity that is perfect for this fall season is letting yourself explore the touch of leaves. Leaves have so many different textures and stimulate our sense of touch as well as sight and smell. Invite your family to explore this with you. As you explore the leaves, think about the different smells you are encountering.

The weather is starting to change. Be sure to send some fall/winter clothing for your baby and have them dressed accordingly for our fickle fall days. We will go outside everyday unless the weather is unsafe.

Thank you so much for your attendance and communication!

Ms. Josy & Ms. Jordan


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