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Ms KK's Class - Early Preschool 1

Welcome to our Blog!

We are excited that cooler weather has officially made its arrival here in Oklahoma, and holiday planning has begun! Now with that being said, the children and I have been found lately with the closet door open, going through our small library of books that we have, and we are excited to see the ones that have been put away from the previous year. My goal is to instill great reading habits in my students, the way my teachers did with me. It's so nice to get lost in a book and see where the adventure takes you! Please take time to read each night with your child; it's a great way to connect!

October was a busy month! The children painted pumpkins, mixed yellow and red paint to make Orange, and of course had a Halloween party! It's always fun to play make believe; it's part of their everyday learning. There are many things you can do with your child that are full of exploration! Go on a scavenger hunt, make a maze in your back yard, rake leaves and jump in them, or simply decorate your house for the season! We even enjoyed an outdoor lunch! Whatever you choose, do it together!

This class is still learning the concept of Family Style Dining, but I must say, they are doing great. It's such a wonderful time for discussion and reflecting. Please continue this at home; you will be so proud of your children and the progress they are making! They help with trash as well as clean tables. They are so proud to be helping out, and it teaches responsibility. Way to go!

For the month of November, we are looking forward to studying Turkeys, being thankful, and discussing family traditions. We will be reading books, having discussions, and drawing our families. The children are coming out of their shyness slowly since we have a lot of time together for socialization. I am looking forward to this study; it will require us to sit together and remember time spent with our loved ones. With each holiday we learn different songs, so make sure to listen closely for your child to be singing at home!

We wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Ms. KK and the EPS 1 Class


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