Welcome to our reading blog!
We are happy to say things are moving forward in our room and settling into a routine. We have been talking a lot of "Turkey" lately, and I must say, these kiddos are getting excited for the Thanksgiving meal! They have come up with some great ideas on what they are going to eat on Thanksgiving Day, and it sounds delicious! They have also expressed how eager they are to enjoy time with family and friends on this special holiday.
Now, as everyone probably knows, the words Turkey, Thankful, and Thanksgiving all begin with the letter T. We have studied the sound the letter T makes, and it's the perfect month for it! We have also been singing Turkey songs, and their favorite is "Five Fat Turkeys are We". The book they love this month is Llama Llama Gives Thanks by Anna Dewdney. We read the story, talk about it, then tell what we are thankful for.
For the month of December, we will be talking about Christmas in different parts of the world as well as making homemade ornaments and putting up our Christmas tree! We will be waiting for the jolly man in red to make his appearance! A lot of things can be learned in this month as well, such as teaching how to give, to be grateful for what we have, and to be kind to others. I love this time of year when children can experience hands-on the spirit of all things good.
Thanks for catching up on our newsfeed, and we wish you and yours a healthy month!
Ms. KK and EPS 1
