Happy New Year!!
What an amazing year our Infant Room has had! Looking back, we are overwhelmed with the bonds and the connections we have made. As the world battled a virus that would change our outlook forever, we strived to make our classroom environments the safest place to be. Going in to 2021, we are hopeful for a new normal to unfold.
December was a very growth-oriented month for the infants! We focused on language skills and gross motor skills. One great way that we did this was to dialogue with the infants about what we were doing, asked questions, read many books, and sang songs throughout the day (we really love to sing in our class).
For the month of January, we will be focusing on and adding to our lesson plans more gross motor activities and activities to build strong relationships between the infants, their caregivers, and their friends. Warm and loving interactions between you and your child develop your child's confidence, resilience, and communication. This prepares your child for things they will come across later in life, like working through problems, dealing with stress, and forming healthy relationships with other people in adolescence and adulthood.
Warm regards,
Ms. Michelle, Ms. Deb, and Ms. Shelby
