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Ms Mollie's Classroom 2

Hello from Classroom 2!

We have made it through what has seemed to feel like the slowest and longest year. This year has challenged us as families and teachers since our normal routines went out the window and new ones were set in place. Fortunately, here at school, things remained the same. We could be that one constant that our families and children could count on.

In December, we did many art experiences that were able to be shared with families so that they could decorate for the holidays. We made multiple wreaths, ornaments, and pictures. As a center, we wanted to do something that would be fun for the children to do on their last day of school before break. Since we could not do our normal family engagement, we decided on a pajama day. All the children were encouraged to pick their favorite pajamas and wear them to school, and of course, the teachers joined as well. There were lots of laughs and smiles as we all admired our comfy attire. I’m sure the parents enjoyed it as well, as they didn’t have to struggle with picking out an outfit and could spend that short time that they had together bonding instead of trying to get arms to go in the right sleeve.

As the New Year starts, we will be talking about resiliency. If last year taught us anything, it would be that no matter what happens, we can stand up again. We want to encourage the children not to give up the first time when their tower falls down, that puzzle piece does not fit, or that they might be afraid to take that next step on the climber. Positive encouragement will help build their self-esteem until they feel safe enough to do it on their own.

Ms. Mollie


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