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Newsletter | February 2021

The Month of Love

February’s theme is Heart Health. CardioSmart wrote the article, “The Importance of Promoting Heart Health in Early Childhood”. In the article, they explain how important it is to teach our children about healthy living and healthy behaviors. In the United States, heart disease kills about 610,000 Americans a year. Starting the healthy life discussion early gives the children a jump start on living healthier lives into adulthood. We have a few resource kits that promote health; contact your R&R Specialist to check one out. With the holidays behind us, we are still monitoring numbers of COVID-19 cases in our region. We are doing limited training with many safety precautions. If you need required trainings such as Safe Sleep, CPR, or ELGs, please contact your R&R Specialist to see if we can schedule a training for you. . . Click Here Teaching Your Child About Black History By Kindergarten, most children have heard of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. They are taught that he . . . was an advocate for peace and equality. However, consider going beyond Dr. King. For example, teach your child about Rosa Parks, the seamstress and civil rights activist whose refusal to give up her bus seat to a white passenger ignited the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Her small act of nonviolent resistance helped to forge the way for transportation desegregation across the nation. . . Click Here How to Get Started with Anti-bias Education in Your Classroom and Program Building an Anti-bias program is a way to positively respond to the challenges facing children and families in our highly diverse and still inequitable world. . . An anti-bias program has four core goals: supporting children’s personal and social identities; increasing children’s interest, comfort, and joy in human diversity; developing children’s critical thinking about fairness and unfairness (justice and injustice); and building children’s skills in shifting unfair into fair. An anti-bias approach, like a developmentally appropriate approach, is a way of thinking about everything we do in our programs. . . Click Here “What About People Like Me?” Teaching Preschoolers about Segregation and “Peace Heroes” As part of the anti-bias curriculum at the preschool where I teach, we study the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout the year. Learning about Dr. King’s life provides us with a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the principles he stood for. These are ideas my colleagues and I believe are very appropriate for preschoolers to explore and revisit often. We focus on Dr. King’s desire for all people to be treated fairly regardless of the color of their skin. Solving problems with words; being fair, kind, and inclusive; appreciating similarities and differences among people—these are all ideas we include during morning meetings, small group activities, read alouds, and regular conversations. . . Click Here Now Read This! Books that Promote Race, Identity, Agency, and Voice It’s the first day of preschool. The class is getting ready for their morning meeting, and Niles, a 4-year-old Black boy, and Rachel, a 4-year-old White girl, sit next to each other on the carpet after playing together in the dramatic play area. Mr. Hawkins (a White male and first-year teacher) rings a chime to get the children’s attention and announces, “Boys and girls, the letter of the day is B. It makes the sound buh, and it’s the first letter in boy, bat, baseball, bright, balloon, and ball.” Without raising his hand, Niles blurts out, “And, and BLACK!” Upon hearing Niles’s outburst, the other children begin laughing. Arie says, “Black, yuck!” and Noah comments, “I hate that color.” Olivia says, “Eww, you’re Black, Niles!” . . . Click Here Healthy from the Start How feeding nurtures your young child's body, heart, and mind. Feeding is one of a parent’s most important jobs. It is how we help our children grow healthy and strong. But mealtime is about much more than food. In this booklet, you will learn how meal and snack times give you a chance to help your child . . . Click Here Prevention of Heart Disease Starts in Childhood You may have heard the old adage: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It is sage advice when it comes to heart disease. By teaching your kids to follow a healthy lifestyle, you can help reduce their risk for heart disease later in life. Although children and teens usually don't show the symptoms of heart disease, the silent buildup of plaque (fatty deposits) can start in childhood and can have a serious impact on their adult life. . . Click Here Heart Healthy Activity Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic. As parents, caregivers, and teachers it is our responsibility to encourage kids to eat healthier foods and be more physically active to grow up healthy. Healthy kids now, healthy adults later. Click Here 10 Small Steps for Better Heart Health Change is an important part of living with heart disease or trying to prevent it. A jump in blood pressure or cholesterol earns you a lecture on healthy lifestyle changes. Heart attack and stroke survivors are often told to alter a lifetime of habits. Click Here The Reading Corner! We have started a reading corner for our providers. Each month there will be three books that your Resource & Referral Team recommend. The books will be based on age groups: Infant/Toddler; Pre-School; and School-Age. We hope you enjoy our book choices and read many books to the children this month and all year around! . . Click Here Updates!! Delaware Child Development Resource and Referral updates your child care information twice a year. This update allows us to give families needing child care updated information on facilities in their area. Please complete the following update. If you are unable to complete the update or have questions, please call us at 918-397-3007 or email us Please click below to complete the survey: Survey Scholars for Excellence in Child Care What Is the Scholars Program? The Scholars program awards scholarships to eligible child care professionals to complete coursework in the area of child development or early childhood education, as well as the Child Development Associate (CDA) and Certified Childcare Professional (CCP) Credential Assessment. These scholarships enable child care providers in Oklahoma to improve their skills through education, receive an educational stipend and continue the availability of quality child care in local communities. . . Click Here CDA Renewal Amnesty Program Beginning Jan. 1, 2020, the Council will be celebrating 45 years of the CDA®! To celebrate, the Council will offer a limited-time CDA® Renewal Amnesty Program. This program will allow anyone with a CDA® credential expiration date as far back as January 1, 2010, an opportunity to complete the renewal process and make their credential active again. . . Click Here We are here to serve you! Delaware Child Development Resource & Referral serves the North Central Region of Oklahoma, which includes nine counties. For more information, contact your Resource and Referral Specialist: Kristine Abbott Heather Cruz 918-397-3007 918-766-6254 (Washington, Nowata, Kay, (Osage, Payne, Pawnee, Lincoln, Logan) Noble) Infant & Toddler Specialist: Renae Barnett 918-332-8651 Technical Assistance from our Resource and Referral Specialists! Delaware Child Development Resource and Referral can provide technical assistance to child care providers. Click below to find out more! Click Here More Resources for Information and Webinars

  • Early Childhood Investigations Webinars - Early Childhood Investigations is a ongoing series of conference-quality free webinars for early childhood educators.

  • Baby Talk: Resources to Support the People Who Work With Infants and Toddlers - Baby Talk is free and distributed monthly. Each issue features resources that are high quality and readily available at no cost. Click Here for archived issues that contain a wealth of information.

Additional Resources Delaware Child Development and Training Center 918.977.3600 Scholars for Excellence in Child Care Program 866.343.3881 Insurance Assistance Insure Oklahoma/OEPIC 888.365.3742 Oklahoma Child Care Warmline FREE phone support and consultation for child care providers regarding behavior, development, health, andsafety issues. Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm Automated system available 24/7. Questions? Email: Follow us on Facebook: Delaware Child Development Facebook Centers for Early Childhood Professional Development (CECPD) 888.446.7608 Licensing OK Child Care Services Oklahoma Registry Child Nutrition Program Child and Adult Care Food Programs(CACFP) Information, Resources &Trainings Oklahoma Child Care Resource & Referral (OCCRRA) 888.962.2772 Multicultural Environments, Email Keila Garcia Fingerprinting: Delaware Child Development Fingerprinting Services OKDHS Information on fingerprinting Identogo to schedule an appointment. 300 SE Frank Phillips Blvd Suite 200, Bartlesville, OK 74003 74003 Ph:918-977-3600 Share on social Check out our website


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