Oklahoma Shared Services has many great resources available for early childhood educators across the state. One of the many great things you can find on there is links to curriculum ideas to use with all ages.
The PNC Grow up Great website (https://www.pnc.com/en/about-pnc/corporate-responsibility/grow-up-great.html) has links to a plethora of free lesson plan ideas. Some that would be great for this month include:
Pumpkin Pudding: https://www.pnc.com/en/about-pnc/corporate-responsibility/grow-up-great/lesson-center/fall/pumpkin-pudding.html
Colorful Leaves: https://www.pnc.com/en/about-pnc/corporate-responsibility/grow-up-great/lesson-center/fall/colorful-leaves.html
Family Trees: https://www.pnc.com/en/about-pnc/corporate-responsibility/grow-up-great/lesson-center/fall/family-trees.html.
If you’re looking ahead to the holiday season, Himama has a recipe and instructions for making a salt dough wreath: https://www.himama.com/daycare-activities/salt-dough-christmas-wreath. The recipe could also be used with cookie cutters to create holiday shapes and painted/decorated. After painting, they can be sprayed with a clear shellac to preserve them (be sure and do this outside and without children around).
The Shared Services site also has links to lesson plan templates for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. These can be printed off or could also be downloaded to your computer to fill out and save.
These are just a few of the resources available on the Oklahoma Shared Services website: https://www.oksharedservices.org/. If you’re not already a member, please join today. It’s free for all Oklahoma early childhood educators!