Hey, Ivy Academy Families!
April showers bring May flowers! Not only is the month of May a time for green grass and flowers blooming, but it is also a month of appreciation. May 3rd-7th was Teacher Appreciation week, and boy do our teachers deserve to be recognized and appreciated! As essential employees during this challenging time, our teachers take on the task every day to keep themselves healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally so they may effectively and with great care serve our children. Take a moment to appreciate these teachers. There are many ways to show that appreciation. Write them a letter, give them a thumbs up, or send a Kid Reports message letting them know how much you appreciate the hard work they do daily with your children.
Not only is May an opportunity to appreciate our teachers, but it is also a time to appreciate Mothers! Mom, Madre’, Um, Ammee, Mati, Mor, Muter, Momma: There are so many ways to say mom, but the sentiment is always the same. The love of a mother is priceless and unrivaled. They are a part of the foundation and are certainly a cornerstone to every family. Take the time to appreciate Mothers for ALL they do for the Family! From the Ivy Academy Owasso/Sperry team, we to say thank you to all Mothers! Please note: Once we are beyond our current social distancing, we will provide an opportunity to celebrate our Mothers!
Larry Lewis
